211 ローカルビジネスと建築(2)




I live in around north-west Ikebukuro. It is a boudary of Toshima and Itabashi, and there remains old small factories and shopping street. Both of them have a common problem of the aging and the absence of successor, and in many case, they will close, sell their land, and change into high rise apartments. 

In the north-west Ikebukuro has many facsinating local resorces which are not known very much. But there is no exuberant community. There may be several distinctive activities in point by point howevere, those are isolated and will not connect to the local communities.

In such a situation, that was late-2018 when I begun to think what I can do and to have an idea of making 'small public' as architecture which the neighbors can come in easily and which can be a space of learning and of community.





The interesting thing is that, in very near area- Toshima and Itabashi, at the same time- mid2018-2019, with very similar sentiment, there were the parsons proceeding their movements; independently each other, at each district. And this Spring in 2019, their places are realizing as 'Local Community Space'. I'd like to introduce these current progressing movements.









At the halfway of Shinamachi and Kanamecho, on a crossing of Rikkyo Street and the 'Yabatagawa Green Way', there is a 'Nishiike Mart' which was a market with many grocery stores into it, and has been closed for a long time. When I saw it in Janually 2019, it was like a photo -an attractive ruine, but at the inside, 'regeneration work' was steadly procceding.




The market is converted to a craft beer brewery 'NishiikeMart'. It was a surprise.





椎名町で旧とんかつ屋をリノベした民宿「シーナと一平」、そこを運営する日神山晃一氏が仕掛人を務める。手前はここで醸造したビールを飲めるバー、そして奥には小さなギャラリーと、なぜか録音スタジオがある。 バーにはプレオープン中にも関わらず、多くの地域の人がふらっと入ってきて思い思いの時間を過ごしていた。

The key person is Koichi Hikamiyama who is a administrator of the hostal 'Sheena & Ippei' which was converted from Pork cutlet restaurant in Shinamachi. The front is a bar corner, and also in the back there is a small gallery space and a record studio corner. Though the term of pre-open, many neighbors came in aimlessly and spend time at there.





Why does it has gallery and recording studio ? According to Mr. Hikamiyama, if there has some special equipment, surely appears someone who want to utilize it, and then the space will be used in interesting way.

In the ground floor cafe of 'Sheena & Ippei' there is a sewing machine which attract some neighbors and allow them to come in to use, and then the communication occurs between backpackers and the users. 

In the recording studio, 'korede iinoda radio' will be recorded and broadcasted.



バーの奥に醸造タンクが並び、醸造の様子をガラス越しに見ながらビールを飲める。 既存の木組みの下に真新しく光る金属タンクが並ぶ様子は壮観。


Behind the bar is a brewery. It is very fascinating view that new steel tanks are put under the existing wood truss. According to Kazuaki Fujiura, brewer,  they have got to there after struggling to find the place with following condition; in Tokyo, at ground floor which the tanks can be easily carried in, the strong floor enough to put tanks -having basement is NG, and having enough area and hight.


ビールも手作りなので完成まで時間がかかり、プレオープン期間が延び、正式オープンは4/21となった。 したがってまだプレオープン期間しか行けてないのだが、ここまでのところ、いわゆる「店舗建築」とは明らかに異なる全く新しい場所の雰囲気を感じるし、取り組み含めてそうした方向性を目指しているように感じる。


The opening date has been extent to 4/21, due to handmade of the craft beer.  So only in pre-open term I've visited there, at this point, I think it is a totally new place very different from 'the commercial architecture', and think it go towards a 'new direction', from the concept and the operation. These features are common in this 'new direction',

・The intimacy of the maker and the visitor

・The way of renovation respecting the history of existing

・The unexpected mix of functions and a space easy to come in

